Saturday, August 11, 2007

One Man’s Word

Head of the PSNI Hugh Orde claims to have irrefutable evidence that the IRA perpetrated the Northern Bank robbery, yet doesn't seem to be able to produce any evidence to back it up
A man like Hugh Orde
Isn’t often ignored,
When he moves to express his opinions.
His words carry weight
And of course must relate
To the work carried out by his minions.

But ideas must be backed
By a semblance of fact.
His reasons must clearly be stated.
The cause for his views
Must be there to peruse,
Or else he’s too easily slated.

He has spoken at length
On the IRA’s strength,
And has shouted their guilt from a height.
But the reasons aren’t clear
For his statements, I fear,
So how can we judge if he’s right?

If I claim I can fly,
But I don’t tell you why,
Would you think I was somewhat affected?
Would you want certain proof
Say, a leap from a roof,
Before my fine words were accepted.

But said Hugh Orde does not
Provide proof of a plot,
Or the reason for all his suspicions,
But yet, his “good word”
Is accepted as heard,
By virtually all politicians.

Tony’s concurred
With the constable’s word,
And Bertie has echoed his feelings,
And Michael McDowell
Doesn’t need further fuel
To shy from Republican dealings.

Hugh’s views, forsooth
Have been taken as truth,
Policeman and judge and the jury,
And expressions of guilt
Have been backed to the hilt
By political posture and fury.

Perhaps he’s correct,
As so many accept,
And the IRA did do the robbery,
But one person’s view
Is not moral cause to
Indulge in political snobbery.

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